Saturday, 1 January 2011


The first name I came up with was 'Rewind' I thought it suited my magazine perfectly, the music and the scenes, my magazine consists of many different types of music including 'Old Skool' which where Rewind fit's in, however there was a problem- while researching images and ideas I came across a magazine with the title 'RWD' which also consists of the same music as me, so this really put me down as I don't wan't to come across I copied it. So I had to start over, I came up with ideas such as 'Fast Forward' 'Stop' 'Strike' 'Trash' 'Electro' 'Trashed'. The title 'Trash'/'Trashed' really stood out to me, I researched 'Trash Images' into google and found some really interesting photo's, some of which really inspired me.

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